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Abenomics is the economic strategy implemented by Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan. It comprises three main components, known as the "three arrows": monetary policy, fiscal stimulus, and structural reforms.

Explanation of Specific Terms:

  • Economic strategy: A plan or policy designed to improve the economic performance of a country.
  • Shinzo Abe: The former Prime Minister of Japan who introduced this strategy.
  • Three arrows: The three main components of Abenomics.
    • Monetary policy: Actions by a central bank to control the supply of money and interest rates.
    • Fiscal stimulus: Government spending and tax policies aimed at boosting economic activity.
    • Structural reforms: Changes in policies and regulations intended to improve the long-term economic efficiency and productivity.

Key Points for Beginners:

  • Why it's important: Abenomics aims to revitalize Japan's economy by addressing deflation, stimulating growth, and making the economy more competitive.
  • How it works: By combining monetary policy, fiscal stimulus, and structural reforms, the strategy seeks to create a more dynamic and resilient economy.

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