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cRYPTO Glossary

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Accounting Token

Accounting tokens are essentially tokenized credit or debit entries (IOU/UOM), similar to entries in a spreadsheet-based accounting system.

Explanation of Specific Terms:

  • Tokenized: Represented as a digital token on a blockchain.
  • Credit entries: Records that increase a liability, equity, or revenue account.
  • Debit entries: Records that increase an asset or expense account.
  • IOU: Abbreviation for "I Owe You," representing a promise to pay a debt.
  • UOM: Abbreviation for "Unit of Measure," representing the standard quantity used in accounting.

Key Points for Beginners:

  • Why it's important: Accounting tokens facilitate the tracking and management of financial transactions on a blockchain, enhancing transparency and efficiency.
  • How it works: Similar to traditional accounting entries, accounting tokens represent financial transactions but are recorded on the blockchain, providing a decentralized and immutable ledger.

Hello, I'm Valdis

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