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cRYPTO Glossary

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Active Management

Active management involves a manager or team of managers actively making decisions to manage a portfolio.

Explanation of Specific Terms:

  • Manager or team of managers: Individuals or a group responsible for making investment decisions.
  • Actively manage: Regularly monitoring and adjusting investments in the portfolio.
  • Portfolio: A collection of investments owned by an individual or institution.

Key Points for Beginners:

  • Why it's important: Active management aims to outperform a benchmark or market index by making strategic investment decisions based on research, analysis, and market trends.
  • How it works: In contrast to passive management (which aims to mirror the performance of a specific index), active managers seek to achieve higher returns by selecting investments they believe will perform better than the market.

Hello, I'm Valdis

When I began exploring cryptocurrencies, I had many questions. Over time, I've gathered some of the best resources that helped me, and I believe they can be useful to you as well.

I hope these resources assist you in starting your journey into the world of cryptocurrencies and provide useful tools for everyday tasks.

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