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Adaptive State Sharding

Adaptive State Sharding is a technique utilized by Elrond, a blockchain platform, which integrates various forms of sharding into a unified approach to enhance communication and performance.


  • Sharding: A method used in blockchain technology to improve scalability by dividing the network into smaller, manageable segments called shards.
  • Adaptive State Sharding: Elrond's innovative approach that combines different types of sharding techniques (such as transaction sharding, state sharding, and network sharding) into a cohesive framework.
  • Improving communication and performance: By implementing adaptive state sharding, Elrond aims to optimize how transactions and data are processed across its decentralized network, thereby increasing throughput and reducing latency.

Key Points for Beginners:

  • Why it's important: Adaptive state sharding addresses scalability challenges in blockchain networks by distributing workload across multiple shards, enabling higher transaction throughput and network efficiency.
  • How it works: Elrond dynamically adjusts its sharding strategy based on network conditions and transaction volumes, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

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