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Average Return

Average return refers to the arithmetic mean of a series of returns generated by an investment, portfolio, or asset over a specified period of time.


  • Arithmetic mean: Average return is calculated by summing up all individual returns over a period and dividing by the number of returns.
  • Time period: The specified period could be daily, monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the context of the analysis.
  • Investment, portfolio, or asset: Average return provides an indication of the historical performance of an investment or asset over the chosen time frame.

Key Points:

  • Measurement of performance: Average return helps investors assess the typical performance of an investment over a specific period.
  • Use in financial analysis: It is a fundamental metric in finance for evaluating the profitability and risk of investments.
  • Considerations: Average return is one of several metrics used alongside others like volatility, Sharpe ratio, and maximum drawdown to form a comprehensive assessment of an investment's performance.

Hello, I'm Valdis

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